Obstetrics & Gynaecology
With every newborn, we celebrate the miracle of life.It is a fully-equipped department that specializes in handling emergency cases and emergency referral cases from other hospitals including private hospitals, government hospitals and nursing homes. It has a well equipped labour room facility.
Patient Services
- Pre-pregnancy counsellings
- Ante-natal check-ups
- Emergency obstetric care
- Ante-natal detection of fetal abnormalities
- Labour and delivery
- 24 hours emergency services.
- 24 hours delivery and labour room facility.
- Facility for instrumental vaginal delivery.
- Management of all obstetric cases.
- Normal vaginal delivery
- Cesarean section
- Painless deliveries
- Post-natal follow-ups
- Cardiotocogram
- Infertility clinic
- Micro surgery for Tubal recanalization
- Amnioscopy.